Thursday, November 22, 2012

Trip to Cotonou, Benin Replublic

My annual leave of July/August 2012 took me to Cotonou. The trip wasn't as tiring as that of Calabar but the experience was just alarming! I went in company of three of my girlfriends and we started off from Lagos where I was spending part of my vacation.

We boarded a cab from Mile 12 which took us straight to Idi Iroko which is the border and boarded another vehicle to Seme border. So far, no drama until we got to Seme border and had to change our currency to Cefa (Benin Republic Currency). We were warned of money disappearing after it had changed hands, thieves, fraudsters, etc. At last we trusted our instincts and changed it from a yoruba woman and we were favoured. I made sure I didnt travel with much money (Ijebu syndrome).

The border crossing was another drama entirely. I even had verbal altercation with one of the "okada" riders. (be warned if an okada rider at the Seme border asks you to let him keep your naira currencies because of Customs...It's a con!) The custom officers stylishly asked for "egunje" while the okada riders connived with them...SMH.

At last we got to Cotonou and meeen! the road was smooth, well tarred and clean! I loved the the country. There was electricity throughout. I saw countless movies. I had fun despite the language barrier...thank God I had french classes if not I would have been behaving like a deaf and dumb girl (looolz). It was a different thing for my friends because they couldn't understant or speak french to save their lives (he he he he ).

We went to the trade fair whilst there and bought stuffs. I got myself a set of bangles and candies!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My bash

As I woke up this morning I thought I should share some of the pictures taken during my surprise birthday party organised and planned by my friends. It was in April 2012 and I will never forget that day. It meant a lot to me because my friends felt I deserved it and that made me feel so special and loved.

How did it happen? It was a normal Tuesday morning and I had to go to work. Apparently my "besto"Tolu had been planning weeks before with my colleagues at work as well as my close friends about this surprise bash but I didn't know! I got to work and everyone was asking how I will celebrate my birthday this year and all I said was I am doing nothing since that day was just like every other day to me.

I should have realised something was cooking when everyone kept asking me about today!

Anyways, I went about my daily activities at work...even my boss knew about it. One of my friends already promised to take me out for dinner that day to celebrate so I started planning on what to wear. I had bought a new shirt a few days before so I wore that to work hoping to go home and change into something nicer for my dinner date.

My friend started calling and pinging around 3pm that day to ask when I can get off work so we can hang out and I had to think on how to ask my boss for permission to close early cos it was my birthday and by  5pm I went to ask for that permission and to my surprise, I was asked to leave which was even weirder cos I know how demanding my job is.

Long story short... my friend came to pick me up to hang out at a bar/restaurant close to my office and I noticed he came with another friend of mine and both were coding on the phones. I later insisted on going home to change into something dressier for the dinner we had planned and on getting home I noticed a lot of cars parked. My heart started racing and by the time I entered through the gate I just couldn't walk properly because I knew something was up! My legs turned to rubber and as I was about to bail everyone came at me and shouted "Surprise! Happy was a party! A D.J was hired. My mum came and the rest of the evening was like a dream.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy New Month!!!October 2012 is gone. Never going to see it again except you can swing time travel. I would like to experience time travel so bad so I can change some things, wouldn't you just love that... Many things happened in October 2012.  Many challenges, decisions made, trips made, stories to tell another day, etc

I welcome you November 2012...bring with you all good stuff for me o...